

Original price was: $247.00.Current price is: $100.00.



I have laid it all  Out For You…


All You Do Is Put On the DVD and Print Your Workout!

The 5 DVD program contains every drill and exercise that you need to develop Championship Athletes.


Every DVD has a power point explanation from Coach Stewart interjected with the appropriate exercise.  Everything is laid out by HOW MUCH, HOW OFTEN, and IN WHAT ORDER.

BONUS DVD with over 300 exercises demonstrated!!!

Since there are many names for the same exercise around the country, we cataloged every exercise & their variations on a DVD by the terminology used in the powerpoints and in the binder, so that you can quickly look up every exercise and make sure that we are all on the same page.  In fact, there are more exercises on  this DVD than are actually mentioned, giving you even more room to customize the workouts to your needs.

  • 30 Dynamic Warmup and 10 flexibility exercises
  • 50 Ab & Core exercises
  • 40 demonstrations of Olympic and strength exercises plus their variations.
  • 10 of the S.S.T./cross-fit metabolic workouts developed by Steve Kenyon.
  • 15 pushup, 9 pullup, and 5 back variations
  • 20 shoulder & arm exercises
  • 20 Kettlebell (or dumbell) movements
  • 5 Complex Lifts (including clean, snatch, squat teaching progressions)
  • 20 Agility exercises and 20 ladder exercises
  • 20 Speed and 20 plyometric exercises


We also realized that every school has unique settings in regards to bell schedules and equipment, so we put all the powerpoints and Excel workouts on the BONUS CD so that you can download to your computer and customize the way you want!


Coach Stewart has laid out three different Annual Workout plans for you to choose from.  These workouts are “turn-key”, meaning that you just follow the day-by-day instructions all year long since our coaches have put all the pieces of the puzzle together and left out all the guesswork.


The Excel workouts are grouped by the same categories as on the DVD and are broken down into 4-week segments, so the three recommended workout plans can be modified into an endless number of combinations!


Also, we have included the three recommended workouts that can be zeroxed on a daily basis.  The binder & these workouts work seamlessly with the DVDs.  There is also the nutritional handouts to go over with your players.  The binder also has 50 pages of the science of energy systems, and physiology considerations to exercise training.

DVD #1

Year Round Planning & Design

Coach Stewart discusses things that you should be thinking about as you decide how you are going to plan out our training program.  They will talk about what should be your goals and your vision, so that you will understand the “why” behind the actual workout DVDs.  This DVD will cover:


  •  Basic understanding of ATP energy systems,
  •             Why less is more, knowing when to stop, importance of recovery.
  • Importance of variety,
  • Ability to calculate volume & intensity properly.
  • Set & Rep guidelines
  • Basic organization on a daily basis (order of exercises)
  • Maximizing your time and how to properly interval train
  • Year Round Organization (three different perspectives)
  • Multiple Sport Athletes and game day training


DVD #2

Strength & Core

This DVD covers every set, rep, and intensity to build your athlete’s strength & core.  While it mainly explains how to progressively build strength over a 52-week course…there is also a technical section at the end that explains the proper teaching of Olympic lifts.

The basic phases to building strength are also explained, BASE, STRENGTH, & PEAK.  Our Workouts move progressively from building strong muscle mass to making that strength functional so that power & explosion can be maxmimized.

This DVD will explain multi joint & unilateral movements…and has a great incorporation of kettle bell exercises that can be done with dumbells if you don’t have kettle bells.

Our philosophy about building the core is that it connects the lower to the upper body and cannot be ignored.  But we don’t simply do a bunch of crunches at the end of every workout…we are constantly building the core during every workout with a combination of ground & upright based movements.

But everything is laid out for you with powerpoint, video, and in the Manual so you don’t even have to think about what to do next.


DVD #3

Power & XPlosion

What good is strength without power & explosion?  They go hand in hand and this component has to be trained complementary with strength.  DVD #4 shows you how to slowly incorporate power into your strength workouts and as you get close to spring ball your athletes will have transitioned to a very explosive workout.

We will talk about design considerations as to when to introduce plyometrics, as well as to the progression of teaching them.  We will show you that plyometrics is so much more than jumping on and off boxes.


DVD #4

Speed, Agility, & Conditioning

 Straight sprinting speed training does not transfer to change of direction speed.  Sports is a constant game of change of direction and this DVD shows you how to improve all of your athletes in this area.  We will start with the 1st phase of speed: quickness and then go into the teaching progression of speed mechanics.  Some of this is incorporated into the daily dynamic warmup, some of it is developed in the weight room, and the rest is done on non-lifting days in spring & summer.

Conditioning is discussed and the old school of ‘running till you puke’ is just that old school.  We will show that an understand energy systems will lead to you conditioning your athletes in a much more efficient way.  Conditioning helps maintain the speed you already have and decreases body fat…but to increase speed, you must train with speed.


DVD #5

Warmup, Flexibility, & Nutrition

This DVD covers Dynamic Warmup, when static stretching is effective, and the importance of post workout flexibility.  This DVD is the one that will decrease injuries, and covers Prehab / Rehab workouts.

There is a power point that puts nutrition in easy to understand terms for your athletes and this goes hand in had with the handouts from the binder that you will give your athletes as you go thru the power point.