Top Tutoring Systems
For Everyone

We make it easy for you to get the education you deserve. We have the perfect system – whether you’re a beginner or an experienced learner.

About Us

We provide the best online courses.

Barry and Chan is an online education company that offers various courses such as Web Development, Graphic Design and Marketing. We believe that everyone should have access to quality education, which is why we offer our courses at an affordable price. Our mission is to provide students with the skills they need to succeed in the workforce. Our vision is to be the leading online education provider in the world. With Barry and Chan, you can learn anything you want at your own pace.

Our Services

Get The Education You Need

Learn at your own pace with our online courses.

Online Course

We offer a variety of popular online courses that can help you to further your career. Whether you’re just starting out in your career or you’re looking to take your skills to the next level, our online courses can help you to achieve your goals.

Expert Trainer

Our trainers are experienced professionals who are passionate about their work and are committed to helping you succeed. With our years of experience and dedication to our students, we’re confident that we can help you reach your goals.

Get Certificate

We offer certificates on courses in a variety of popular fields. And by successfully completing any of our courses, you’ll be able to prove your skills and knowledge to potential employers, helping you to land the job of your dreams.

Life Time Access

We want you to have the best possible learning experience here at Barry and Chan so we are proud to offer lifetime access to all our online courses. That way, you can go at your own pace and review the material as often as you need.


Explore Popular Courses

We offer a broad range of courses that covers everything from marketing to web development to graphic design. Whether you’re looking to learn a new skill or brush up on your existing knowledge, our courses are the perfect solution.

Why Choose Us

We Develop The Best Programs

Our courses are designed to provide learners with the best education possible.


Online Learners




Online Diplomas



Our Team

Our Expert Instructors

We’re passionate about our work and committed to helping you succeed.

Dan FerN

Dan is one of our experienced professionals who is passionate about teaching and dedicated to helping his students reach their full potential.

Rhyn Swift

Rhyn have worked in the field of education for many years and have a wealth of knowledge to share with his students.

John Kahl

John’s commitment to teaching ensures that students receive the best possible education.

Our Testimonials

What Learners Are Saying

Courtney Sy
Courtney Sy
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"I was able to take my course at my own pace and on my own schedule, which was incredibly convenient for me. Plus, saving money on gas is another advantage of taking online classes!"
Jeff Collins
Jeff Collins
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“The flexibility of the online schedule allows me to complete my educational requirements while also keeping up with family and professional obligations. The online courses are designed in a simple way that is easy to understand, and the instructors are always available if needed."
Betty Hill
Betty Hill
Graphic Designer
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“It's not enough to be talented in order to compete in this field; you must also have the necessary know-how and tools to bring your ideas to life. Barry and Chan have shown me how to properly enhance my imagination. Thank you, BNC for teaching me how to optimize my creativity correctly.”

Our Blogs

Recent News

Discover how to build your career step-by-step. Get inspired with our favorite articles, tutorials, and case studies.

Virtual Assistant

Virtual Assistants are one of the most important professionals nowadays. Especially since we are entering the “Internet World”, let’s talk about what they do, how

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SEO Basic

The practice of optimizing your website to make it more visible when users search for goods or services connected to your company in Google, Bing,

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